Monday, June 9, 2014

The Latest Theo Collection Has Arrived, Including the Stunning Mille Collection

Mille means ‘thousand’ in French, but also stands for the ‘Millennials’, also known as Generation Y. The millennium generation refers to young people born between 1980 and 1996. They're the first generation to come of age in the new millennium. People from this generation are said to be self-confident and critical but also social and optimistic. They've grown up with all the benefits of information and communication technology, and they expect everything to move quickly.
Mille for Generation Y
Especially for this generation, Theo launched Mille. Theo designer Serge Bracké worked from the idea of designing VinGtage glasses that were simply beautiful, with a well-balanced and, moreover, highly ergonomic design. Glasses that would appeal especially to the younger generation, but of course to anyone with a passion for pure form. He came up with acetate and metal models, inspired by the past, yet highly contemporary.
Hidden Theo touch
In the acetate models the twist is in the very rounded edges of the frames, inspired by Japanese vintage glasses, and the colour in the earpiece. In the metal models, the inside of the frames has a motif in relief. It's a little wink to the lining of a suit jacket. Each one of the metal frames has a different ‘lining’.
For further information on theo brand please visit the mortimer hirst web site:

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